Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015

This was my first day at the Lions Center for the Blind, located at 1722 Broadway, Oakland near a 19th St BART station entrance. It's staffed largely by blind people. My mentor turned out to be Mai Nguyen, who is sighted but works with blind people. Since it's only open on weekdays, 10 AM to 4 PM, it's very hard to find time I can actually spend there. I found out that it's important to look at blind people and squeeze their hands to let them know where you are. Other assistive technologies, especially audio, are important as well. I asked them what assignments they had for me, and Gerry, one of the braille instructors, said to do a list of the presidents and something important about them. I started the list of presidents while I was there and will continue doing it at home. I brought my own brailler. Apparently, they think I'm useful enough to come back on Veterans Day. I didn't include a picture since many of the staff were disfigured and it would be disrespectful to them.

Time logged for this session: 2 hrs
Total time logged: 2 hrs