Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016

I remember going today, but not exactly what for. I made little progress, since the entire schedule was just learning UEB. Even so, I stayed for 6 hours learning the finer points of the Grade 1 indicator and the new typeform indicators. I get the feeling they had nothing for me to work on today, but I stayed anyway. It was a very long session, but it went over okay. I went because they were available that day, and that's that. I should have been thinking about inventions that could help the blind instead of having little to no assigned work. Most blind people use audio anyway, because it's more widespread and easier to learn. I'd better make something that could read braille aloud then. That would be a huge help to those who can't read braille, and from what I've seen, there is an audio barcode system, but where are blind users supposed to point their cameras?

Hours logged this session: 6
Total hours logged: 21